Monday 14 February 2011

Valentines Day + work + Baby :)

So my Valentines Day started out very romanticaly with Sebastian screaming his head off at 4 am this morning.....but a nappy change and ice cold dummy later (to help his teething) I managed to go back to sleep till 7 am and then off to work in a rush.... remembering it is Valentines all poor Philipp got  was a very romantic phone call from the office.. :)

Packing for Paris tonight and with lots to organsie we decided a romantic dinner on Saturday night was going to be our Valentines celebration...roll on Saturday!....But wanted to wish you all a wonderful Valentines Day.....hope you are putting on a pair of fabulous red shoes and having an evening filled with love, hugs and kisses and a few champagne bubbles wont hurt:)

1 comment:

  1. Louboutin rocks my world x

    Come take a look at my shoe design blog? Think you'll really like my designs.....Take care
